The IndUS Network e-magazine

Breakthrough Blood Test for diagnosing Cancer

Healthcare update

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A team of US scientists have developed a blood test to diagnose cancer, which Boston-based researchers with the Healthcare giant Johnson & Johnson are going to bring it to the market.

Mechanism of Test
The test uses a microchip that looks like a lab slide covered with 78,000 tiny posts, like bristles on a hairbrush. The posts are coated with antibodies that bind to tumor cells. When blood is forced across the chip, the normal cells ping off the posts, where as the cancer cells stick and stains make them glow. These cells can be thus be counted and captured for study.

Positive aspects of the test
This is a non-invasive test. It isolates the single cancer cell from even a billion other healthy cells. First they are going to use the test to follow the course of the disease and its response to the treatment; however, within a few years the test will be introduced as a routine test along with a colonoscopy, mammogram or Pap smear screening. The problems associated with biopsy samples and the delay in tracking the efficacy of treatment using follow-up imaging will be solved with this simple test. Patients may greatly appreciate the reduced pain.

Listen to the video to see and know more about this breakthrough blood test.

Watch the Video: Breakthrough blood test for diagnosing Cancer!

Not only ... but also ...

To accomplish great things,
we must not only act, but also dream;
not only plan, but also believe.

- Anatole France

Disclaimer: The above content is provided for information and awareness purpose only. It is not prescriptive or suggestive or meant to replaces your qualified physician's advice or consultation.